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What should you pay attention to during a drunk driving stop?

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2025 | DUI

Being pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving can be a stressful experience. If you’ve never been part of a traffic stop for this reason, you may be anxious about what’s going to happen. 

Suspected drunk driving stops can include several steps, each of which could help the police officers build a case against you. Remember these things if you’re pulled over for suspected drunk driving.

What leads to a drunk driving stop?

These stops begin with the officer having reasonable suspicion that you’re drunk. This can include any sign that a reasonable person would agree points to the likelihood that you’re impaired. Swerving between lanes, stopping without a valid cause and driving through red lights could all be signs of drunk driving. 

How can officers determine impairment?

Officers can speak to you to find out if you’re showing slurring or have alcohol on your breath. They may ask you to do a field sobriety test that includes tests like the walk and turn, one-leg stand and horizontal nystagmus. You may also be asked to submit to a chemical test, which is typically done through a preliminary alcohol screening device. 

If you’re arrested for drunk driving, you need to work on your defense strategy as quickly as possible. It may be possible to participate in a diversion program or other options, but they might be time-sensitive. Working with someone familiar with drunk driving charges may help you learn your options and move your case forward.
